Insights archive

Red Pony is a team of writers, editors, Microsoft Office template developers and communications trainers. We have been writing about our areas of expertise for over a decade in our Red Pony Express newsletter.

This collection features the best articles from the last 10 years.

Beware the certainty of numbers
Technical writing, Editing Natalina Nheu Technical writing, Editing Natalina Nheu

Beware the certainty of numbers

As uncertainty and confusion about COVID-19 continue in people’s lives, those hungry for information are finding themselves taking a crash course in epidemiological terms. A number of information platforms have responded by publishing their own COVID-19-related glossaries, including the Yale School of Medicine and our own ABC. But what about COVID-19 numbers?

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A body of writing: good bones are just the beginning

When someone says a house has ‘good bones’ we tend to think of a solid structure, or a floor plan that can be used or improved without major renovation. In writing, ‘good bones’ also implies a sound structure, providing clear direction and logical flow of information. However, I actually think of this as the skeleton rather than the bones.

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Technical writing Peter Riches Technical writing Peter Riches

Sans Forgetica: the font to remember

Why would anyone design a font that is deliberately difficult to read? The answer is simple: to help people retain the information they are reading. A team of designers and behavioural scientists at RMIT University has created a new font for the specific purpose of aiding memory retention. It may seem counterintuitive, but by […]

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Technical writing Peter Riches Technical writing Peter Riches

Lessons from IKEA

As I assembled a new wardrobe last weekend in the spare-room-cum-study that is soon to be my daughter’s new bedroom, I was struck by just how simple yet effective the instructions were. Perhaps more striking was the fact that they didn’t contain a single word.

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